Antibody or target protein: The antibody to a specific protein. Used in immuno-precipitation to target certain fractions of biological interest.
antibodyAntibody DescriptionTargetTarget DescriptionVendor IDLabDocumentsLotsTarget LinkLabel
TAF7_(SC-101167) Mouse monoclonal IgG, raised against recombinant TAF II p55 (TAF7) of human origin. Antibody Target: TAF7 TAF7 The intronless gene for this transcription coactivator is located between the protocadherin beta and gamma gene clusters on chromosome 5. The protein encoded by this gene is a component of the TFIID protein complex, a complex which binds to the TATA box in class II promoters and recruits RNA polymerase II and other factors. This particular subunit interacts with the largest TFIID subunit, as well as multiple transcription activators. The protein is required for transcription by promoters targeted by RNA polymerase II (RefSeq). Santa Cruz Biotechnology sc-101167 Myers Human - TAF7 (sc-101167)(Immunoprecipitation-Western blot,IP-MassSpec)   J1509 GeneCard:TAF7 TAF7 (sc-101167)